July 2009
I felt it was time to go back to some non-fiction reading. I am a fan of Glen Beck, which is why I picked up his book. It is a modern approach to Thomas Paine's Common Sense pamphlet. I wish that, like Paine did, Beck would have released it anonymously. Although Beck is on FoxNews and regarded as a conservative reporter, this essay is written from the stance that today's political parties are both equally at fault. In fact, he often takes the stance that the way our government currently operates is not in our best interest.
Its very short, and quite to the point. If you aren't tired of reading and hearing about everything that's wrong today in America, or perhaps especially if you are, I would grab this and give it a quick read. I wouldn't be surprised if it is nothing that you haven't all ready heard or thought before, but its nice to know that those who have a much louder voice than we do are feeling some of the same things that we are. It's definitely worth the three/four hours it would take to read it.